Gallbladder, MS, Good Oils, and more. Balancing Point 1.25.13

Gallbladder removal surgery. Passing gall stones. Gallbladder health diet. Multiple sclerosis: causes, remedies, and hope for the future. Sore throats. Cold and flu. Herbal medicine. Gui zhi tang. Infectious agents. Strep throat. Powerfully anti-viral herbs. Good fats and oils for cooking. Polyunsaturated fats. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live streaming.... Continue Reading →

Immunity, Low Back Pain. Flatulence and more. Balancing Point 12.14.12

Cold and flu season. Immunity. Vegetarianism. Importance of healthy fats. Dementia prevention. Vitamin D. Mediterranean diet. Low back pain. Steroid injections side effects. Efficacy of acupuncture. Prolotherapy. Gout. Psoriasis. Eggs. Dentures. Acupuncture for brain diseases. Flatulence. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live streaming. The Balancing Point health radio talk show... Continue Reading →

Styles of Chinese Medicine, herbal safety concerns, depression and more. Balancing Point 12.8.11

Heat-wind condition.  Different styles of Traditional Chinese Medicine: "External turn to Zhang, Internal turn to Li."  Science and magic. Concerns about Chinese herbal safety. Orthomolecular medicine article on evidence based medicine.  Calcium intake considerations. Help for dry eyes. Research design. Simple treatment for depression. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live... Continue Reading →

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