Prescription Drugs, Menopause, Peyronie’s Disease and more. Balancing Point 2.1.13

Prescription drugs. Behaviorism. Parkinson’s Disease. Estrogen levels. Hot flashes. Hormone production and classification. Menopause. Peyronie's disease. Bias in medicine. Sleep apnea. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live streaming. The Balancing Point health radio talk show about Traditional Chinese Medicine, supplements, nutrition, and more.  Host Dr. John Nieters, acupuncturist and health... Continue Reading →

Gynecology and the Female Hormone System. Balancing Point 6.11.12

Chinese Medicine overview of gynecology and the female hormonal system. Pain during menstruation. Endometriosis. Fibroids. Uterine myomas. Headaches. Menstrual cramps. Missed periods. Excessive periods. Breast tenderness. Acne. Fertility and infertility. Breast cancer. Estrogen dominance. PCOS. Ovarian cysts. Menopause. Sun Si-miao: "I would rather treat ten men than one woman." Nature's cycles and hormone levels. Benefits of... Continue Reading →

Ear infections, gynecology, sleep apnea, and more. The Balancing Point 2.16.12

Nurturing cardiovascular health. Dairy. Inquiry. Ear “infections.” Gut health in children. Huang lian. Gynecology in TCM. PCOS. Breast exams. Raw milk and cheese. Feng shui. Sleep apnea. Naps. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live streaming. The Balancing Point health radio talk show about Traditional Chinese Medicine, supplements, nutrition, and more. ... Continue Reading →

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