Cataracts, Weight Loss, Addiction and more. Balancing Point 6.14.12

The force of intention. The power and purpose of inquiry. Sprained ankle. Addictive nature of sugar and wheat. Cataracts. Macular degeneration. Antioxidants. Detoxing. Eye floaters. Bubbling spring point. Acupuncture for weight loss. Will power—“zhi” in the kidneys. Addiction recovery. Diabetes causes. PTSD. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live streaming. The... Continue Reading →

Leaky Gut and Intestinal Integrity Part 2. Balancing Point 6.4.12

Li-Zhu medicine and treating diseases of lifestyle and internally engendered conditions: Metabolic Syndrome X, insulin resistance, leptin signaling dysfunction, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, adrenal fatigue/exhaustion, neurotransmitter deficiencies, liver toxicity. PH balance and digestive fire. Benefits of healthy gut flora, beneficial bacteria, probiotics. Understanding why most treatments for food allergies and  yeast... Continue Reading →

Anxiety, Insomnia and Stress. Balancing Point 4.23.12

Using Chinese medicine to transform the quality of life. Exploring the unnaturally high levels of stress imposed by the modern American lifestyle. Increasing workplace stress. Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system responses. Chai hu long gu mu li tang. Post-traumatic stress disorder. “Interior vacuity”. Yin depletion. Stomach heat. Xin: heart-mind. Breathing techniques. Melatonin. Types of insomnia.... Continue Reading →

Connective tissue, lab review, diet soda, PTSD and more. Balancing Point 9.22.11

When to get treatment from an acupuncturist.  Collagen health and connective tissue health. Bruising and collagen deficiency.  Lab test review, when to worry about a lab test. Test your microwave for radiation leakage. New study on seniors and pharmaceutical usage. Concerns about diet soda. Aspartame and diabetes link. Soda linked to strokes.  Sores on toes.... Continue Reading →

Thank you listeners. Bubbling spring. Insomnia. Stress. Diabetes. PTSD and more. Balancing Point 4.28.11

  Creating change in our lives.  Thank you for the "Best Acupuncture" honor by Alameda Magazine and SF BayList.  Health benefits of walking. Acupuncture point on the bottom of the foot, kidney 1 "bubbling spring."  Insomnia.   Access to supplements. Swimming pools,  chlorine and bromine. Anxiety and air travel.  Hope for repetitive stress injuries. Stress and... Continue Reading →

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