Anxiety, Insomnia and Stress. Balancing Point 4.23.12

Using Chinese medicine to transform the quality of life. Exploring the unnaturally high levels of stress imposed by the modern American lifestyle. Increasing workplace stress. Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system responses. Chai hu long gu mu li tang. Post-traumatic stress disorder. “Interior vacuity”. Yin depletion. Stomach heat. Xin: heart-mind. Breathing techniques. Melatonin. Types of insomnia.... Continue Reading →

The Water Element (part 2 of 2). Balancing Point 1.23.12

Five Elements or Five Phase theory in the human experience, a conversation with Anastacia White. (Part 2 of 2). Water, winter, kidneys and aging. Liver. Nurturing Yin and Yang. Seasonal change. Meditation.  Caffeine. Fear and anxiety. Letting go. Cold weather stiffness. Dietetic medicine. Warming foods. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Western Perspective, Integrative and Functional Medicine. Live streaming.... Continue Reading →

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