Leaky Gut and Intestinal Integrity Part 2. Balancing Point 6.4.12

Li-Zhu medicine and treating diseases of lifestyle and internally engendered conditions: Metabolic Syndrome X, insulin resistance, leptin signaling dysfunction, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, adrenal fatigue/exhaustion, neurotransmitter deficiencies, liver toxicity. PH balance and digestive fire. Benefits of healthy gut flora, beneficial bacteria, probiotics. Understanding why most treatments for food allergies and  yeast... Continue Reading →

Yeast. Chronic cough. Tendonitis. Menopause and Chinese herbs, low back pain and more. Balancing Point 3.31.11

Introducing yeast or bacteria.  Chronic cough and getting the correct diagnosis.  Tendonitis.  Injury and pain. How to heal injury site. John's approach to patient care. New study reviewed on IBS. Menopausal syndrome and dang gui. New study on vitamin D and allergenic symptoms. Low back pain and acupuncture. Transforming anxiety and suffering. Considering statins.  About... Continue Reading →

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